Can You Have A Roof Decking Repair?

Recognizing the functions of each of your roofing system’s layers is a critical thing to do. Keep in mind that your roof is more than just a covering— its components are specifically designed for a particular purpose. For example, your roof decking. This is located right between the trusses and your shingles. It forms the connecting layer between the two components, and is responsible for anchoring your shingles and the fastening down nails securely. 

Granule Loss as a Sign To Replace Your Roof

Having a few loose granules from your asphalt shingle roof is normal after an adverse weather event. You may find some in your gutter or right outside your home. However, constant and lots of loose granules is alarming. This means that your asphalt shingles are weak or damaged. In most cases, a visit from your roofer can fix your roof. However, how would you know if your asphalt shingle roof needs a replacement and not just a simple repair based on granule loss? In this article, we will be discussing when granule loss is irreparable. Learn when to replace your asphalt shingle roofing based on its granule loss from the professionals of the trusted roofing contractor, [company_name].

Why It’s Never a Good Idea to Delay a Roof Replacement

A roof that suffered extensive damage should be replaced as soon as possible. If a roof replacement is deliberately delayed, there’s a strong chance roofing damage might affect other parts of your home, turning what should have been a straightforward roof replacement into a more extensive overhaul of your exterior.

What are the other issues you may encounter if a roof replacement is deliberately delayed? [company_name], your trusted roofing contractor, lists them below:

A Quick Guide on Roof Fire Ratings

The roof is your home’s primary form of defense against the elements, but it’s also the part of your home that’s most susceptible to catching fire. Winds carrying embers can reach your roof well before wildfires do. To reduce the risk of fire damage, most building codes require homeowners to use fire-rated roofing materials.

In general, there are four fire rating classifications. [company_name], your trusted roofing contractor, elaborates on the different fire rating classifications below: