• Post last modified:November 22, 2023
  • Post category:roofing
  • Reading time:3 mins read
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If you’ve taken the environmentally-friendly step of installing integrated solar roofing at your home or business, congratulations! This innovative system reduces your carbon footprint and can lower your energy costs. In this article, top residential and commercial roofing contractor Kingdom Roofing shares maintenance tips to help you protect your investment.

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Inspect Regularly

Regular inspections are a significant aspect of solar roofing maintenance. A quick visual check will help identify any issues early on. Be sure to look for loose or damaged shingles, loose wiring, and any debris that could obstruct the solar panels.

Schedule Professional Maintenance

Regardless of the size of your solar roofing setup, professional maintenance is essential for optimal performance. Experienced roofers are trained to identify common problems such as cracks and other structural issues affecting the panel’s productivity. Prompt fixes can prevent minor issues from becoming significant, expensive repairs.

Keep Panels Clean

Over time, solar panels can accumulate dust, leaves, bird droppings, and other debris, which can affect their overall efficiency. Be sure to keep them clean so they can absorb sunlight effectively. Cleaning solar panels involves the use of a soft-bristled brush and mild soapy water; use of harsh chemicals can damage the photovoltaic cells. For your safety, leave this task to the pros.

Monitor System Performance

Most solar roofing systems have monitoring software that records and tracks energy production. Regularly monitoring the output can help you keep track of its performance, including a sudden drop in power production, which could indicate an issue. If your system appears to be underperforming, consult a professional for diagnosis and repair.

Protect Against Animals

Animals such as birds or squirrels can get on top of your home, increasing the risk of damage to the wiring or the panels themselves. To protect your solar roofing system, consider installing pest deterrents or guards.

Regular Updates and Upgrades

Solar technology continuously improves, and monitoring recent advancements is essential. Upgrading components such as inverters and batteries can significantly enhance your system’s performance.

Keep Your Solar Roofing in Top Condition With Kingdom Roofing

At Kingdom Roofing, we understand the significant benefits of investing in solar roofing. That’s why we offer solar installations for residential roofing systems from GAF. As a proud GAF-certified roofer, it’s easy for us to make the upgrade for you so you can start saving money on energy bills. To learn more, call (941) 217-2411 or fill out our contact form.

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