• Post last modified:February 24, 2023
  • Post category:roofing
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Solar panels are becoming increasingly popular as homeowners and businesses look for ways to reduce their energy bills. Solar power, after all, offers a renewable source of energy that can help you save money and the environment. Before installing your solar panels, it’s important to consider what position is best for them so you can get the most out of their function of harnessing sunlight efficiently.

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Factors to Consider

There are numerous factors that you have to consider when finding the best position for your solar panels. These include:

  • Sun Exposure and Roof Angle. The more direct sunlight that your commercial or residential roofing system receives, the more your solar panels will harness it. The roof angle also matters and can also affect how much sunlight is directed to the panels.

  • Shade from Trees or Other Objects. The presence of trees and other objects around your home or place of business may also affect the amount of sunlight that solar panels can harness. If any of these provide shade, then it’s likely that the solar panel system won’t be as efficient because it will receive less direct sunlight.

Ideal Position for Solar Panels

The ideal position for your solar panels is at an angle between 30 to 45 degrees, which is close or equal to the latitude of your home, provided that the residential or commercial roofing system is facing south. Tilting the panels within this angle range allows you to achieve the maximum average output from your solar power system for the entire year.

Of course, this will depend on the existing design of your roof. If you have a roof that’s sloped at an angle mentioned above, you can just lie the panels flush. If you have a flat roof, however, you may have to mount the solar panels on the racking system, allowing them to face the sun more directly.

At [company_name] Services, Inc. our team of GAF-certified roofers install GAF Energy Solar roofing systems. Compared to rack-mounted solar panels, it is integrated to the roof itself at the deck, which means a seamless look and superior water-shedding qualities. Also, GAF Energy solar can produce electricity at a lower cost than your local grid. The more you produce and use your own electricity, the less you purchase from the utility company. Over time, it can even pay for itself and your new roof, through monthly electric bill savings and government incentives.

To learn more about GAF Energy Solar, call us today at (941) 217-2411,  or fill out our contact form to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation.

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