• Post last modified:October 18, 2022
  • Post category:roofing
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You could have the urge to repair what seems to be a small roofing issue yourself, but that’s not a good idea. Regardless of the problem you’re dealing with, let an experienced roofer fix it. Detecting and repairing leaks and other roof damage isn’t as simple as it appears.

Roof Repairs

Continue reading to discover the risks of DIY repairs.

Wrong Diagnosis

Roof damage occurs for various reasons. Damage could develop during a storm, when your attic has insufficient ventilation or due to natural wear and tear. What you see on the surface could indicate a bigger problem. A residential roofing professional will determine the root cause of the issue to find the ideal solution for your roof.

Risk of Injury

You are risking your safety by trying to repair your roof yourself. Accessing and walking on the roof could be dangerous if you don’t know how to do it safely. Professionals have the appropriate safety equipment and training to perform these tasks.

Further Damage

There is a high chance of causing further damage with DIY repairs. Simply walking on hot shingles could loosen or tear them off. Improper nailing techniques could lead to leaks, and carelessly removing shingles could damage the materials around them. All these issues could result in water damage, which you can easily avoid by hiring a skilled professional.

Wasted Money and Effort

The problem will likely reoccur if you fail to do the repairs correctly. When this happens, you might attempt to fix it again. The cycle will go on until you finally decide to contact a roofer. Imagine all the time, money and effort you would save by leaving the job to professionals in the first place. Moreover, homeowner’ s insurance doesn’t usually cover damage from DIY repairs.

Prolong the life of your roof by working with reliable professionals. At [company_name], we offer quality residential and commercial roofing services. Call us at (941) 217-2411 or fill out our contact form to get a free estimate.

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