• Post last modified:October 14, 2021
  • Post category:roofing
  • Reading time:5 mins read
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Whether it’s for residential or commercial roofing, when a company installs solar panels, it is certain that it was done to boost energy efficiency. Solar roofing is known to produce electricity without greenhouse emissions, which makes it an ideal option for those who wish to make their place more sustainable. To understand more about it and to learn whether it heats up your roof, read this article as your guide. 

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The Common Misconception

Many homeowners think that solar panels generate heat while converting sunlight into usable electricity. What they actually do is absorb heat that would otherwise have passed through your roof. This happens when the panels block the heat from being absorbed by your roof and eventually your home, preventing extra heat from being generated. They also prevent heat from escaping during the night when it’s cooler. This reduces heating costs in the winter and increases the financial returns of the panels.


Any roofer may note, however, the heating benefits of solar panels may not always be as noticeable as the cooling benefits since they’re primarily designed to reduce the natural heat of your home during the day.


The Bottom Line

Solar panels for your roofing system actually help you stay comfortable in your home while also saving on expensive energy costs. As it is told, the lesser the outdoor temperatures affect your home, the more effectively your HVAC system can cool your interior. Hence, your equipment is also more likely to last longer because it does not need to work as hard to reach your desired temperature. 


If you need roofing installation, roof repair services, roofing maintenance, commercial roofing, industrial roofing, residential roofing, or any other roofing service – we are experienced and ready to help. Contact [company_name] today for a free estimate on your South Florida roofing project via (941) 217-2411.

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