• Post last modified:November 8, 2019
  • Post category:Residential Roofing
  • Reading time:4 mins read
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When your home was originally constructed, the roof deck and associated structures – such as eaves and rafters – were built to provide needed roof support. However, if you are looking at making changes to your older roof, you may want to first find out if your roof has the support it needs underneath to safely and effectively hold up your roof.

The protection of your home and family depend on the integrity of your roof – therefore the question is an important one. How is your roof support?

Venice roofing contractor

How Can Roof Support be Lacking?

We often discuss that despite its importance, the roof tends to be a bit “out of sight, out of mind.” Even more so is what is underneath your roofing materials – the roof deck and framing which holds the roof in place and keeps it structurally sound.

Here are just a few situations where the roof support will become critical for your home.

  • Aging Materials: We know that shingles or tiles can become old, eroded and deteriorated, but so can the roof deck and framing, especially if it has been subject to moisture, leaks or mold. If your roof is nearing the end of its functional life, be sure to have your roofing contractor check on the health of all of the roof support elements as well. You may need to replace the decking before you replace the shingles.
  • Critter Infestation: Your roof deck or wood supports may be compromised if you have critters and pests living in your roof. If you have recently had an extermination, you may want to have a roof inspection to ensure that your framing and roof support is intact and hasn’t been gnawed away in a critical location.
  • New Roofing Materials: Many of the older Sarasota and Venice area homes has asphalt shingle roofing materials installed, which are very lightweight overall. If you are considering a new roof install utilizing stone or clay tiles, you will want to have a Venice roofing professional take a look underneath at the roof decking. Stone or clay materials are significantly heavier than asphalt shingle, and your roof support may need to be augmented in order to handle the extra weight. Don’t just assume that the decking can handle the weight, or you may find yourself with a sagging roof which could cause damage in many ways.
  • Solar Panel Installation: In much the same way as switching from asphalt shingle to tile, adding solar panels to your roof should trigger a roof inspection by a professional. Solar panels will add extra weight to the roof which was not accounted for in the original roof construction, and so the proper levels of support should be verified before adding these panels to your roof.

The easiest way to determine the overall health of your roof is to schedule a roof inspection. A licensed roofing contractor will be able to pinpoint issues, fix minor problems, and alert you as to any long-term problems which may arise. Any time you are looking to do any major construction on your roof – be it new materials or solar panels – be sure to check out the integrity of your roof support. Fall is a great time to inspect a roof (find out why here!). Call [company_name] for a thorough evaluation of your roof’s health and expected longevity. We are not only interested in replacing Sarasota area roofs – we are committed to extending the life of yours whenever possible. Contact us today.

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