• Post last modified:October 31, 2019
  • Post category:Residential Roofing
  • Reading time:4 mins read
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Many times, the first sign of roofing damage is a drip on your interior wall or ceiling. By then, the damage has been there for a while., and the leak has made its way through multiple layers of roofing materials, through the attic and into your home.

We often don’t notice the problem until it is so far along for the obvious reason – many of us don’t spend very much time on the roof. To be fair, it is not especially safe up on the roof, if you aren’t accustomed to being up there. But if you can get into the habit of walking around your home every couple of weeks and simply looking up, you may be able to spot some of the warning signs of trouble, before too much damage is done.
Sarasota roofer

Signs of Roofing Damage

After a storm, make a habit of walking around the perimeter of your home and looking up towards the roof. There are several signs of trouble that you may spot just from this vantage point, such as:

  • Debris and Tree Branches: If you can see tree branches broken off on the roof, or even just hanging down and scraping your roofing materials, you may want to investigate further. Branches can damage roofing tiles, and if the top layer of materials has been breached, can then further damage the underlayment (which keeps your roof waterproofed). If after a storm you notice a lot of branches, twigs and debris on the roof, you may want to get a ladder and see if you can see any visual signs of damage.
  • Broken Roof Tiles or Shingles: Whether hanging off the roof or laying at your feet, you may be able to see if shingles or tiles have broken off the roof surface. If you are finding pieces of roofing material, you will definitely want to investigate further.
  • Damaged Gutters: If your gutters are dropping, sagging or broken, you should be able to see the damage from the ground. You may also look for areas where water is dripping and should not be (at seams, for instance) as there may be a blockage which is damming up the water. If water is not flowing properly, the water may find another path of least resistance – down through your eaves, attic or soffits.

Additional Possible Signs of Roofing Damage

  • Check Your Downspouts: If you see granules from the asphalt shingles in your downspouts, the roofing material is likely eroding.
  • Animal Nests: If you see birds, squirrels or other critters on your roof on a regular basis, they may have made a nest on your roof or in your attic. Generally they did some roofing damage in the process, such as chewing through materials or widening ventilation spaces. You may wish to call animal control, as these critters can not only be a nuisance, but can spread disease.
  • Holes in Soffits & Eaves: Whether caused by fungus. rot or animals, holes in your soffits and eaves can cause further structural damage and give undesirable elements access into your home. This can be an easy fix but don’t put it off.

While you should be able to spot all of these issues from the ground, you will need to get closer to determine the extent and cause of the situation. At [company_name], we recommend that you call an expert to inspect your roof for you – both for safety and so as not to cause any further damage to your roofing materials. Fall is a great time for Sarasota and Venice roof maintenance – so call us today!

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