• Post last modified:October 21, 2019
  • Post category:Residential Roofing
  • Reading time:3 mins read
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Most homeowners dread having to repair their roof, thinking that it will be a major expense or hassle. This often makes people consider watching a few videos online and attempting the roof maintenance on their own. However, there are many reasons why this should never be done.

Saving money is the main reason most people attempt DIY roofing projects. Unfortunately, more often than not the homeowner ends up paying more to fix mistakes than the original repair would have cost. Here are some DIY roofing fails you should avoid at all costs.

Venice roof maintenance

Avoid These DIY Roofing Mistakes

  • Causing More Damage: Sometimes when homeowners suspect there has been damage to their roof, they climb out onto the roofing materials to inspect it. However, by doing so you can actually cause more damage than was originally present. Walking on clay tiles can often break or crack them, which is the most common way that homeowner’s damage their own roof. You can also cause deterioration on tiles or dislodge materials. If you want to visually inspect your roof, you can do so from the ladder. Don’t climb out onto the roof unless you have experience.
  • Replacing Damaged Materials Incorrectly: Many people think that it must be simple to replace a few shingles. But many things can be done incorrectly – using the wrong length nails, nailing the shingle down improperly or driving nails into the wrong spot, overlapping shingles incorrectly are just some examples. Why is this so important? Aside from risking leaks and further material damage, you may actually be voiding your roofing warranty. Leave material replacement to the professionals!
  • Covering the Roof Ventilation: Often, people see that there are openings from their attic to the outside, and immediately think that these areas need to be closed up. After all, that’s how moisture, dirt and even birds and animals get in! However these areas are critical to keeping your attic properly ventilated, maintaining a cooler temperature and keeping the risk of mold to a minimum. Ask your roofing contractor for suggestions, but covering these open areas with chicken wire is often an excellent solution.
  • Finding Yourself in Violation: Many roofing projects require permits from the city, and you can be fined and made to redo the word. You may even lose insurance coverage, which is important for your mortgage as well. In order to make sure that your DIY roofing project is done correctly, you’ll need knowledge of local building codes and permitting requirements.

One last point that shouldn’t be left out – being on the roof can be dangerous for homeowners. Roofs can be slippery, and navigating a roof slope can be tricky. We certainly don’t want to see you getting hurt, especially when roof repair can be handled easily by a local roofing contractor.

At [company_name], we take pride in providing you with quality construction, exceptional customer service, and to working with you to make it affordable. No matter if you need a few new shingles, or need to replace your roof, you should always trust a Venice professional roofer. Don’t risk injury, damage, fines or lost warranties – call us today. DIY roofing can be tricky – let us help.

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