• Post last modified:July 1, 2019
  • Post category:Safety
  • Reading time:4 mins read
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With the 4th of July right around the corner, you may wonder if fireworks can cause a fire if they land on your roof. While you may not plan on setting off any fireworks, many people often do – and if they are in your neighborhood, there is a possibility that one may land on your roof.

While the risk of a roof fire is small, it is a reality each and every year.  Over 18,500 fires are started by fireworks annually, and these fires include 1,300 structure fires totaling approximately $43 million in direct property damage. Given those numbers, you should be very wary of setting off fireworks anywhere near your home.

Venice roof maintenance

Is My Home in Danger of a Roof Fire?

Most contemporary roofing materials, including clay tile, stone, slate and asphalt shingle, are fire-rated Class A. This means that they should not catch fire if an ember or spark lands on them. The more imminent threat of fire involves dry debris or leaves which may be collecting on your roof or in your gutters. If these are set on fire by one of these stray sparks, it could cause a serious problem.

Therefore the smartest thing you can do to prevent a roof fire is to inspect your roof often, and make sure that the roofing material is clear of any debris. You will also want to clean out your gutters, and keep all tree limbs, branches and leaves away from your roof. While an ember may not set your roof on fire, a pile of debris which catches on fire could burn long enough to spread to your home or roof.

Is a Roof Fire Covered by Insurance?

Most homeowners policies do cover all types of house fires. However, in the case of fires caused by fireworks, this may not be the case.

In the state of Florida, nearly all fireworks are illegal for personal use. The only exception to that law are products which fall into the “sparkler” category. Many popular fireworks, such as roman candles, are considered to be unlawful to activate on private property. Many people do not realize this, as all types of fireworks are freely available at stores and roadside stands across the state. However, the vendors are taking advantage of a legal loophole. That is, it is not illegal to sell fireworks to anyone, as long as the purchaser signs a waiver stating that they will not be utilized except for a commercial display or other very narrow circumstances. However, many people do not even necessarily understand what they are signing.

  • If a roof fire is the result of a mishap involving legal fireworks, i.e. sparklers, it will likely be covered by your insurance.
  • If the fire at your home is caused by illegal fireworks which originated at an adjacent property, your insurance is likely to pay the claim, as this was not your fault.
  • If your roof fire is caused by illegal fireworks which originated on your property. the insurance company will likely reject your claim. Most insurance companies will not pay for incidents which arise from illegal or negligent homeowner behavior.

In conclusion, the risk of a fire originating from fireworks is low, but not non-existent. Protect your home, roof, and family  – do not allow anyone to set off fireworks on your personal property.

The Venice roofing professionals at Kingdom Roofing wish you a happy and safe 4th of July.

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