• Post last modified:June 14, 2019
  • Post category:Residential Roofing
  • Reading time:4 mins read
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If you have a mortgage on your Venice home, insurance coverage for your roof is required. But simply having coverage for your roof under your homeowner’s policy does not mean that every roof repair or replacement is covered. Because these projects can be costly, it is important to understand what is covered under your roof insurance, and what is not.

Did You Know? In addition to traditional homeowners insurance, virtually all Florida residents are required to have windstorm coverage. This separate policy covers the cost of repairing or replacing the roof in the case of a major storm, including tornadoes and hurricanes.

roof replacement North Port Florida

Roof Insurance Facts and Tips

Always read your entire policy regarding roof coverage, and alert your insurance company of any plans to repair or reinstall your roof. Let them know all the details, and confirm that the project will be covered under your policy. This will help to avoid doing the job and then being stuck with the entire bill and no hope of reimbursement. Here are some facts which may prove helpful.

What is Usually NOT Covered by Insurance

  • When buying a home, remember that you may not be able to obtain insurance if the roof is nearing the end of its useful life. This can hold up the entire deal, so inspect the roof early on and send the details to the insurance company. If they will not cover the roof, you may need to renegotiate the seller replacing the roof before closing. Generally speaking, if you cannot insure the home, you cannot obtain a mortgage.
  • If it is determined that the damage to your roof – missing or broken tiles – was due to lack of maintenance or negligence on your part, your insurance company will probably not agree to pay for the roof repair or material replacement.
  • Your insurance policy does not typically cover normal wear and tear, or replacing an old roof simply due to age and condition. Many folks have a leaky roof so have it repaired or replaced, only to find out that the cost will not be reimbursed by the insurance company.
  • One of the reasons to always check with your insurance company regarding your re-roofing is in regards to materials. Often, your insurance will not cover the costs of more expensive roofing materials – such as replacing your insured asphalt shingle roof with more expensive barrel tile or stone. And while green roofing materials are innovative and attractive, you may not get fully reimbursed either. Your insurance company can give you guidance as to what is covered, and how much you can expect to be reimbursed. The more sophisticated roof may still be worth it to you, even if you only receive a portion of the cost back into your pocket.

What is Covered By Your Roof Insurance? Your insurance policy will cover damage to your roof caused by something out of your control, such as high winds, flying debris or a structure fire. In these case, if a portion of the roof needs repair, or your need to replace roofing materials, you should have no problem with your insurance company.

If you are considering a new roof or your roof needs repair, call the experts at Kingdom Roofing first. We will advise you of your roof’s condition, and provide an estimate and description of the costs to restore it to its former condition – allowing you to approach your insurance company with the full picture before we begin work.

If you have questions or concerns, do not hesitate to ask. We are proud of our reputation of exceptional customer service in the Venice, Englewood and North Port communities.

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