• Post last modified:May 31, 2019
  • Post category:Residential Roofing
  • Reading time:4 mins read
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When buying a Venice or Englewood area home, the inspection process is critical to ensuring that the property is in the condition represented. Whether determining if the air conditioning unit is functioning well, or that the pipes are not leaking – a home inspector will provide a comprehensive overview of the home’s current condition, and any problems which are likely to arise in the future. This allows the prospective home buyer to make an informed decision, and to pay the right price for the property. Often, results of the home inspection can influence renegotiation of the sales price.

Often, a home inspector will take a look at the roof as a part of this inspection. Some general inspectors are certified to identify roof problems, while others will refer you to a roofing professional if they see anything of concern. If you are purchasing a home, we recommend that you consider scheduling a roof inspection with a licensed and insured Venice roofing contractor no matter what. The roof is a major structure of the home, and you should be certain of its condition before you close.

Venice roofing contractor

Why is a Roof Inspection So Important?

Many home repairs are not necessarily major problems on their own, but left unchecked they can cause far bigger issues. This in perhaps most evident when it comes to needed roof repairs or maintenance. Here are some of the top reasons you should insist on a roof inspection by a qualified roofer before you proceed wit your contract:

  • Cost of Replacement: Buying a home is no small investment. If you purchase the home only to find out two years later that it needs a new roof, it may cause an unexpected financial burden. Depending on the materials utilized, your new roof may cost you up to $35,000 – not an easy cost to absorb. Discovering the age of the roof, the remaining useful life, and the likelihood of needed replacement will help to make the best deal and ease your mind as to possible future cash outlay.
  • Insurance Purposes: If your local roofing company will certify that the roof has 3+ years of useful life still on it – and possibly more, given its current sound structure – an insurance company will provide coverage for the roof. If the roof has less than 3 years left, you may have to pay much more for insurance coverage, or may not be able to get it at all. On the positive side, if your roof inspection verifies that you have 10+ years of useful life on the roof, you may find yourself with better rates.
  • Associated Repairs: A leaky roof doesn’t just indicate the need for roof repair. You may need to replace warped framing, soggy insulation, or even waterlogged drywall. If the inspection discovers stains or water droplets on the ceiling, the walls, or around windows, there is most likely a leak. This leak can be causing all kinds of structural problems behind the walls and in areas that are hidden. While determining the damage to the interior of the home, and any moisture which may have intruded, it is also necessary to determine the source of the leak. A licensed roofing company will use their expertise to locate the source of the leak, even if it is not readily available to the untrained eye.

The whole purpose of the home inspection during the home buying process is to provide the purchaser of a clear and accurate view of the property condition. Without a thorough roof inspection, it is impossible to know if the roof is sound, if it needs repair or replacement, or if water damage has occurred due to a hidden leak. If you need a Venice roof inspection for a home purchase, or simply want to ascertain the condition of your own roof, call Kingdom Roofing today. We are here to help.

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