If you have lived in your home for a period of time – or if you are looking to purchase an older home – you may notice discolored stains on the ceiling.  While these are almost invariably caused by a leak, there are a few questions you should ask to determine if these water stains represent a serious problem for you.  Even if you suspect there is no imminent issue, it is important to investigate the situation and rule out any active leaks.

water stains

Are Water Stains a Sign of an Active Leak?

The first thing you should determine is if the water stains you have discovered on the walls or ceiling of your home are at all damp. Although you can often feel moisture, you may wish to invest in a water moisture monitor. Either way, if there is moisture present, you can be sure that there is an active leak. In this situation, you will want to act immediately.

Because water flows downward along a path of least resistance, the location of the water stains may not have a direct correlation to the location of the leak on your roof. You may be able to identify the area of the roof which is compromised from evidence in the attic – dark stains on the framing, or damp insulation, for instance.

If the water stains show no signs of moisture being present during the dry winter months, you still may have a water intrusion problem. Rather than wait until the heavy rains arrive, you may wish to enlist a friend to try to locate the source of the leak. While your partner waits in the attic, run a water hose over your roof, one section at a time in order to see where the water leak is situated.

Are Water Stains Ever Ok?

If you are not the first owner of the home, it is possible that there was a past roof leak which was repaired – but the previous homeowner never repainted the inside walls or ceilings. If this is the case, chances are excellent that the water stains are harmless. If you are purchasing a home, ask the current owners for any history of roof repair or a new roof installation. This documentation may put your mind to rest. You should also ask your home inspector to investigate for any signs of a current water intrusion problem. You should also hire a licensed roofing contractor to come out and inspect the roof for any signs of current roof leaks or breaches.

If your roof has been inspected and there are no signs of an active roof leak, you may also wish to get the advice of a plumber. This professional will be able to advise you as to if there are pipes running through the ceiling which should be checked for leaks as well.

Inspect Water Stains After a Heavy Rain Event

If you are unsure about the source of the water stains, inspect them after a heavy rain. Look for signs that the stains are damp, or if they are growing larger or changing shape – a sure sign of an active leak. When you suspect a leak, walk through your entire home looking for other spots, condensation, or damp areas. Water flows freely and may be making its way to several locations.

The expert roofing contractors at Kingdom Roofing are happy to come out to your property to inspect your roof, We will advise you as to any repairs which are necessary before the rains begin – or to work on a leak in an emergency. No matter your roof concerns, you can rely on our solid reputation in the Venice and North Port community. We are here to help.

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